Digital or paper-based system (or both): what does work for you?

How many folders and papers are produced daily? How many emails with information are flooding us?
To be honest: Who always has all the necessary documents at hand?
I-and I mean that in all modesty. This is nothing special. I only changed years ago from paper to paperless. Because

“Sheets of paper don’t synchronize with anything.” #10stepsbook

An example: Meetings – or: What had we decided?

How often have I experienced it? In a meeting e discuss a topic – and then someone asks: What is the Decision framework Decision framework on this issue we have already?
No one can answer, because nobody was prepared for this surprising question.
No one – only me. Because I have saved all the logs. It only costs me to enter a few keywords – and we know and can bring the topic to a fruitful end.

As much cloud storage as necessary – as little as possible

Of course, there is also the risk of confusion with cloud storage. It is important to be limited to a few services and to know exactly which service is right for what kind of data.
Here ist my solution and guiding principles:

My backbone: Nozbe

My main tool is my GTD tool nozbe. Nozbe integrates many cloud services. So I prefer these services.

File Storage: Evernote

I use Evernote as file storage: All finished files, e.g. Logs land here. The possibilities to create folders, to assign keywords and not to the last the phantastic full-text search are for me the decisive arguments for Evernote.

Cooperation with others: dropbox, google drive and OneDrive

If I work with others to share presentations, documents, etc., it is crucial which platforms my employees are familiar with. That is why I have accounts for dropbox, Googledrive and Onedrive.

data security

The greatest data security is required for sensitive data. For these documents, I strictly use only two services: iCloud from Apple and Nozbe.



