Recommended reading: Free to Focus

Getting focus in a noisy world: I was honored to read a digital pre-release of the new book by Michael Hyatt Free to Focus – I can only say: wow! The new Book of Michael Hyatt is the missing link of theory behind his „Full Focus Planner“ (FFP) – apart from the ideas of Goal-receiving, which is explicated in bis books „Your best Year Ever“ and „Living Forward“ – each of them still worth reading and the backbone of the FFP.

Doing the right things instead of „Getting it all done“ – the concepts behind such powerful tools like „The ideal week“, „The Daily Big Three“ and the daily rituals were explained to show the treasure they contain – a guide to achieving more by doing less.
May be the necessarily supplement and contemporary extension of the „GTD“-approach!

The officially release is at April 9 but it’s already a top bestseller on Amazon! Michael Hyatt is giving away over $498 in bonuses if you pre-order the book today. Details at


